Saturday, August 3, 2019

Dewey's reverse readathon continued...

So, this readathon has been a success! At least compared to earlier readathons. And it's not over yet! I have read and listened to four chapters of Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows, and listened to seven chapters of Educated by Tara Westover. I don't own a physical book of Educated yet, I did order it yesterday from book depository. It should arrive when I return home.

I enjoy both books and it's only my second time reading Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows... but first time listening to it. It's read by lovely Stephen Fry. He is the best narrator ever! I have listened to many books narrated by him, for example The hitch hiker's guide to the universe. Excellent. Brilliant.

Educated is so good, I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat and putting my hand over my mouth, so I wouldn't scream out loud. That's not happened in a while, if ever! Wow!

Educated is a book about a strict Mormon family living in Idaho and it's a memoir. The family is kinda old fashioned but also pretty out of the ordinary. Tney strive to live completely off the grid and self relying. It's such a page turner, except I'm listening to it.... lol.

More later!

Dewey's reverse readathon

Hi there! 

I'm back! Today at 3 am the Dewey's reverse readathon started (Finnish time zone). I couldn't stay awake, so I started at 10 am instead lol. Now I have listened to Educated by Tara Westover. It is an amazing book. I have listened to 4 chapters. I have also read and listened to two chapters of Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows. So far so good... more later! 

Friday, August 2, 2019

A link to the readathon

Dewey's reverse readathon 2019


Tonight is the night. At 3.00 a.m. (Finnish time), the Dewey's reverse readathon starts! It's 24 hours as per usual and it is REVERSED. Meaning that for folks in the USA it starts in the evening instead of in the morning. For us Europeans it starts in the middle of the night... but, thank goodness I have taken a few naps today and drank a lot of cola drinks lol.

My goal is to prepare until 3 a.m., then read as much as I can and sleep well, wake up rested and continue... it is now 22.00 o'clock here, that is 10 p.m.... here are some things I will do to prepare myself.

Watch booktube
Write in my bookish bullet
Choose my final and/or ever changing TBR

See you soon...